Wednesday 7 March 2012

We’ve got Spirit, yes we Do…

 In the Sunday Argus 11 February 2012, the following SMS was published:

At a recent interschools gala at Newlands, Wynberg Boys’ High School were picked on by another school.  When they were asked by a few parents whether they would be answering back, their answer was: ‘No Ma’am, we are Wynberg Men.’ What a good answer….  Well done to them.

Paarl Athletics - courtesy of Anthony Rowe
This response from the Wynberg boys stems back to 1999 when the school attended an interschools sports day at Paarl.  Not only on the track was School Pride at stake, but also in the stands as schools wound up opposition male testosterone with inflammatory chants such as ‘We’ve got spirit, yes we do.  We’ve got spirit how about you?’

A provocative chant like this, soon leads to surging of schools in the stands towards one another as they taunt and sling challenging jibes at one another.  Sometimes this is accompanied by a rain of missiles ranging from colddrink cans (empty, hopefully, as fortunately no schoolboy would waste a full can…), fruit or anything else to hand.  Someone on that occasion hurled a half-eaten peach at the Wynberg stand and the inevitable happened – the pip of the peach hit a boy in the eye with a resultant 30% loss of vision in that eye.

That was the last time that this chant was allowed and from that date onwards, Wynberg boys have been exhorted to enjoy the sport on the field, revel in supporting their team and to appreciate good play on either side.  Above all, it is now an acknowledged way of Wynberg life never to react to jeering or ridiculing from other supporters.

This is not to say that there have not been amusing incidents over the years..  I remember well an evening waterpolo game against Westerford some years ago.  Wynberg supporters were on the far side of the pool under the tree while the Westerford supporters (mainly girls) were on the tuckshop side.  Westerford were beseeching their Wynberg opponents to respond and were using all the feminine wiles to ensure a reaction……   We’ve got spirit, yes we do!We’ve got spirit, how about you???  This was far too tantalizing for our boys and it was obvious that a war conference was happening with many glances in my direction.  I responded with my best baleful and threatening stare which I flatter myself is usually enough to defuse a situation.

We've got Spirit - Yes we do!
Suddenly two boys were dispatched to the Pump House and they returned with two Waterpolo balls.  One boy then posed with the ball in one hand above his shoulder like a butler with a silver dish.  The other adopted a similar pose on the other side of the Wynberg crowd.  Then came the chant:  We got balls yes we do.  We’ve got balls, how about you…?

The crowd, including me, collapsed with laughter.  Don’t ask me how the game went after that!

One of the best put-downs I have heard from a schoolboy crowd came during a Paul Roos / Grey High School rugby match four years ago.  I travelled to Stellenbosch to watch the game.  The ground was full and the stands were heaving.  As the Grey team ran out onto the field, there was a loud whistle from the Paul Roos section of the stand and in the ensuing silence, the question was thundered out by the cheerleaders:  Where is Grey??  The entire Stellenbosch contingent roared back:  Nowhere!

'Joined by pride ...'
Fortunately in sport, there are the gods who are quick to bring down the overconfident down to size. As if in answer to this chant, Grey gave the perfect response and ran in three converted tries in the first ten minutes. On cue after the third try, came another loud whistle – this time from the Grey section of the stand.  We all waited with bated breath - and then came the roar:  Paul Roos!  Send on your first team!

They couldn’t  - and lost by over 40 points no doubt learning the lesson never to test the gods of sport!

Something similar happened during the Wynberg / SACS rugby game at SACS two years ago.  Played in a howling North Wester, Wynberg, captained by Dylan Frylinck, found themselves 3 -23 down before half-time.  You are not singing anymore…..challenged the SACS crowd.  That then roused the Wynberg cheerleaders who proceeded to exhort their charges to life.   Supera Moras.  Supera Moras they chanted non-stop for the next forty minutes as Wynberg clawed their way slowly back into the game eventually coming out 25 -23 winners.  The gods of sport hear everything!

In 2002, Wonga Matshabane was entrusted with the final kick of the game against SACS.  Hooker, Billy Onozawa had scored for Wynberg in injury time in the corner and replacement flyhalf, Wonga, was handed the responsibility to take the difficult kick from the touchline to ensure the draw.  He coped admirably with the pressure and sent the ball soaring through the posts. 27 all.  As it was the last game of the season, both sets of supporters poured onto the field cheering lustily and proceeded to give renditions of their respective school songs.  On my way to the SACS pavilion, I passed a Wynberg boy arms in the air, dancing on the edge of the Wynberg circle in the middle of the field.  ‘Did we win, Sir?  Did we win?’

Perhaps that is what supporting your team is all about.  Enjoy the game. Shout lustily for your men.  And dance on the field afterwards.


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